Sunday, 10 April 2016

Q2 Mock feedback and sample answers

What was interesting about the answers to this question were that there were some really strong responses to why and how the headline was effective and weaker responses to the effectiveness of the picture and yet, really, one could argue that the analysis of the picture should be much easier.

Here are some examples of where the analysis of one part or both parts of the question were very strong.

Don't forget that you are aiming for three examples and piece of analysis about the effectiveness of EACH thing (headline and picture).  Also, don't forget to link each thing that you say to what is said in the article, this is to show the relevance of the headline or picture to the article itself.

A few of you still persist in linking the picture to the headline.  Why????? The question does not ask you to do this, so there are no marks for doing it!!!

Here's Daniel D on the headline:

This is a very strong analysis of the headline.  Daniel needed to make the connections to the text more regular.

Hope's response:

Hope's answer does exactly what it is supposed to.  3 different reasons analysed for both the headline and picture are effective and always linked to the text.  This response is crystal clear all the way through and is a masterclass on how the question should be tackled.

Another really clear response is Orli's:

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